Informationism Philosophy
Informationism sees the world as made up of information. By understanding the principles of information (how it functions and organizes itself) we can better understand the world around us. Informationists tend to be attracted to digital technology and especially the Internet. Seeing the increase of information and knowledge in human culture as tanatamount to surfing the wave of evolution, or even “moving closer to god” (so to speak), Informationists welcome the development of newer, broader and faster information systems.
Informationism History
It could be said that life and evolution (both biological and cultural) are hallmarked by an increase in their ability to collect, process, remember and disseminate information. From the most basic strands of replicating proteins, to complex organisms, to cerebral organisms, to societies, to modern technology, the increase in information involved has been exponential.
Informationism Practice
Informationists spend a lot of time interfacing with the Internet via computers and mobile phones. They aren’t averse to spending most of their time in “virtual” relationships and activities rather than “real world” alternatives. That isn’t to say they’re all shut-ins, only that they find spiritual meaning in ideas and communication, and the Internet can be a more efficient channel than the traditional world. Like the Futurists, they look forward to the singularity, a future event in which human beings will become merged with technology.
Millennials, and the generations that follow, are shaping technology. This generation has grown up with computing in the palm of their hands. They are more socially and globally connected through mobile Internet devices than any prior generation.
— Brad D. Smith
We are all now connected by the Internet, like neurons in a giant brain.
— Stephen Hawking
Technology, like art, is a soaring exercise of the human imagination.
— Daniel Bell
Chance favors the connected mind.
— Steven Johnson
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