A follower of Tattooism finds spiritual satisfaction in honoring their soul by decorating their skin. As with Bodists, the exaltation of the human body is seen as exaltation of the spirit as well.
Jazzism is the view that the world is basically an improvisational jazz concert writ large. The interactions of the various parts fall in and out of harmony and follow counterpoint and climax just as jazz songs do. To understand jazz music, then, is to understand life itself.
The follower of Rockism tends to exalt the freedom that comes with the rock and roll attitude, although they may feel that the true Rock path has become endangered by profane forces. To bring back the true spirit of rock is to return the world to rights.
Like Musists, Rhythmists see the world as made up of vibrations, but they focus primarily on beats and timing. Of course, drummers are the most likely followers of Rhythmism. The practicing Rhythmist is keenly aware of timing, acceleration, syncopation and timbre in all things.
Musists find their spiritual sustenance in music. The mystical, emotional, and intellectual experiences derived from music can have a profoundly religious effect on those especially sensitive to its inspirations and complexities.
Many if not most religions are deeply concerned with the question of who created everything. Creativists are also interested in the power of creativity but more so that they can harness it and/or appreciate it. The Creativist is one who sees everything in the world as unfolding and becoming something new and unique, while still paying homage to everything that has come before.
All musicians find the music they play transporting, but Guitarists are a special sect of musician. Part of what makes the Guitarist philosophy unique is the adaptability, portability and flexibility of the instrument. Consequently, the Guitarist philosophy is one of freedom, flexibility and intuition.
Artism is the practice and philosophy of trying to see beyond the explicit forms of the world. Artists help humanity see that there are other ways to look at the world beyond our own personal and limited perceptions. In helping to expand our consciousness this way, Artists ensure that our understanding and appreciation of the world is endless and always growing.
Food is one of our greatest pleasures and pastimes and the source of great inspiration and beauty. It’s also one of the easiest and most common ways to show gratitude and generosity to others. Food gives life in a way against which nothing else quite compares. As a worldview, it places emphasis on gratitude, generosity, and creativity.