Like the Existentialists, Hippieists believe that freedom of lifestyle and personal expression are crucial for humans to reach their full potential and to be truly alive. However, they’re a lot more optimistic than the Existentialists, incorporating a Hedonistic ethos in which the pursuit of pleasure plays a large part.
Pop Culture
Dudeism is essentially a modernized version of Taoism which uses the film The Big Lebowski as its primarly liturgical vehicle. You can visit Dudeism (The Church of the Latter-Day Dude) at
Jediism is inspired a great deal by Daoism. Essentially seeing the universe as a duality of dark and light, the Jediist tries to push the balance to the light and keep the dark at bay.
You could say that humorists see the world as one big joke. And that’s not a bad thing! Humor isn’t just meant to disparage things, of course, but also to “peer behind the veil” and see what’s really going on. To see humor everywhere is to see that there is much more to the world than meets the eye.
Like Musists, Rhythmists see the world as made up of vibrations, but they focus primarily on beats and timing. Of course, drummers are the most likely followers of Rhythmism. The practicing Rhythmist is keenly aware of timing, acceleration, syncopation and timbre in all things.
Futurists look at the world and see unbridled potential everywhere, imagining possibility and looking forward to every new day. To the Futurist, everything is “becoming” rather than being. Consequently, the Futurist is forward-thinking in most things, even as they harbor concerns for humanity’s dystopian tendencies.
Musists find their spiritual sustenance in music. The mystical, emotional, and intellectual experiences derived from music can have a profoundly religious effect on those especially sensitive to its inspirations and complexities.
All musicians find the music they play transporting, but Guitarists are a special sect of musician. Part of what makes the Guitarist philosophy unique is the adaptability, portability and flexibility of the instrument. Consequently, the Guitarist philosophy is one of freedom, flexibility and intuition.