Bikerism was birthed in the post WWII period, largely as a response to the alienating effects of industrialization. Today, spiritual motorcyclists continue the tradition in several different sects.
A religion that sees the world as a living, interconnected, self-regulating and supporting organism. Inspired by the theories of scientist James Lovelock, Rather than looking out to a distant deity in the sky, Gainists see the world itself as the target of human devotion, reverence and caretaking.
Ikeaism is inspired by the Swedish furniture store company which has taken over the world (parts, anyway) and changed the way many people feel about home and home furnishings. This Zenlike style can be applied to all aspects of life – placing functionality and logical form over pointless gaudiness and needless accessory, and reducing waste and extravagance. It could be called “Sven Buddhism”!
Though humanism today tends to be associated with secular movements, they often tend to harbor a “spiritual” component in the sense that they sympathize with the religious impulse and try to harness it. To this end, they often embrace the mythological and symbolic elements of traditional religion, even if they reject any notion that they are factually real.
Informationism is a religion which sees the world as made up of information. By understanding information and its principles we can better understand the world.
The Bodist religion is one which focuses on the human body, and sees its development and modification as the most efficient way to achieve spiritual enlightenment. Through exercise, sport, adventure, etc, the Bodist finds that they are better able to control their world and find meaning in the tangible aspects of human life.
Motorism appeals to lovers of motorized vehicles. The freedom afforded humanity by mechanized travel has also transformed its consciousness and culture. Motorists are great fans of Nomadism, travel and general Hedonism.
Cyclism is an overarching philosophy which says, not only is life cyclical, but also, it’s better when you spend it on a bicycle. Seeing the bicycle as a metaphor for life itself, cyclists generally exalt freedom, independence, simplicity, resourcefulness, efficiency and ecology in all things.
The “Toe” in Toeism stands for the acronym “Theory of Everything.” It’s the idea that all religions are essentially “Theories of Everything.” Toeism is a fanciful religion for people who don’t really have any interest in religion at all.
Believers in traditional religions like to argue that Science is also a religion. And while most scientists reject that idea, Scientists embrace it! The religion of Scientism upends the criticism by pointing out that there is no firm definition of the word religion.