Featuring a supportive community, baptismal rituals, and a naturalistic and Zen-like philosophy, surfing has long been considered a spiritual practice by its adherents.
A religion that sees the world as a living, interconnected, self-regulating and supporting organism. Inspired by the theories of scientist James Lovelock, Rather than looking out to a distant deity in the sky, Gainists see the world itself as the target of human devotion, reverence and caretaking.
The follower of Yogism is generally someone who believes in the practices of yoga but not necessarily the cosmological and metaphysical aspects that come with it.
Ikeaism is inspired by the Swedish furniture store company which has taken over the world (parts, anyway) and changed the way many people feel about home and home furnishings. This Zenlike style can be applied to all aspects of life – placing functionality and logical form over pointless gaudiness and needless accessory, and reducing waste and extravagance. It could be called “Sven Buddhism”!
Jazzism is the view that the world is basically an improvisational jazz concert writ large. The interactions of the various parts fall in and out of harmony and follow counterpoint and climax just as jazz songs do. To understand jazz music, then, is to understand life itself.
The follower of Rockism tends to exalt the freedom that comes with the rock and roll attitude, although they may feel that the true Rock path has become endangered by profane forces. To bring back the true spirit of rock is to return the world to rights.
The Bodist religion is one which focuses on the human body, and sees its development and modification as the most efficient way to achieve spiritual enlightenment. Through exercise, sport, adventure, etc, the Bodist finds that they are better able to control their world and find meaning in the tangible aspects of human life.
Like the Existentialists, Hippieists believe that freedom of lifestyle and personal expression are crucial for humans to reach their full potential and to be truly alive. However, they’re a lot more optimistic than the Existentialists, incorporating a Hedonistic ethos in which the pursuit of pleasure plays a large part.
Eroticists believe that sexual union with other people is the best way to achieve spiritual union with the universe. In merging bodies, we lose our egos and stop seeing ourselves as separate from the world.
Nudists (also called Naturists in some countries) are people who find spiritual meaning in not wearing clothes. While the advent of body coverings allowed humans to survive in cold weather, their use in warm weather is relatively unnecessary.